The ROASW system developed by SAES sparked interest among participants UNVEX’14.

The ROASW system developed by SAES sparked interest among participants UNVEX’14.

Publicado: 07/03/2014

This Thursday ended the third conference on unmanned vehicles UNVEX’14. SAES was witness the favorable response that the solutions for new ASW missions offered by industry are receiving, in which the participation of unmanned vehicles has an increasing role.

SEDEF visita stand de SAESIn this context, the Remote Operation ASW (ROASW) system, developed by SAES, has been recognized as a system at the forefront of the market in Antisubmarine Warfare, since allow exchanging tactical and intelligence information between forces deployed in the ASW mission, collaborating in a Network Centric Warfare (NCW).

SAES has participated actively in UNVEX’14 with a stand and offering a conference about ROASW system, receiving from leading agents in the sector, the Government and the Armed Forces, highlighting the stay of Pedro Argüelles, Secretary of State for Defence, which underlined the growing role that Spanish companies have in the development of advanced technology in the industry praising creativity as a key to the competitiveness of companies.

SAES has established contacts with several important manufacturers of UAVs that have passed through the stand, offering cooperation to increase the value of their UAV models by adding the ROASW system.SAES ofreciendo conferencia en UNVEX'14.

The ROASW airborne segment (ROASW-AS) can be installed on unmanned or manned aerial vehicles being remotely operated from the ROASW surface segment (ROASW-SS), which is installed on surface platforms (either on a ship or a ground station).

As already mentioned, the ROASW system can work in a Network Centric Warfare (NCW) exchanging tactical and intelligence information between forces deployed in the ASW mission (Ship-To-Ship & Ship-To-Helo communication) and remote ground stations (Ship-To-Satellite communication), improving the control of the mission and increasing the detection range.

The fact of ROASW system enables small combat ships (500 to 2000 ton) to actively participate in ASW missions closest to cost produced a great impact on the audience.

For additional information on ROASW functionality and performances, please visit web page: