SAES in UNVEX’14. Using UAVs in ASW missions.

SAES in UNVEX’14. Using UAVs in ASW missions.

Publicado: 25/02/2014

SAES will offer a conference about the Remote Operation Anti-submarine warfare (ROASW) system , the most advanced and recent ASW system in its class currently, in UNVEX’2014. ROASW system has been designed to solve the new requirements that ASW missions have to face.

Escenario ASW. SDL_Comunicación S2H.SAES – Underwater electronics, will attend next week to the Third conference on unmanned vehicles UNVEX’2014 to be held in Madrid from 4 to 6 March. Within the conference program, responsible for SAES ASW systems, Ignacio Gutierrez, will present his new ASW solution, at a conference entitled «Industry Solutions II», scheduled for Tuesday, March 4 at 13.00.

New ASW missions require the use of UAVs as distant and elevated platform without the need of a dedicated operator. In addition, different platforms deployed in the mission have to share tactical and intelligence information. In this context, the Remote Operation ASW System acquires mayor relevance, as it is specifically designed for these new ASW mission requirements.

The ROASW airborne segment (ROASW-AS) is installed on unmanned or manned aerial vehicles and is operated remotely from the ROASW surface segment (ROASW-SS), which is installed on surface platforms (either on a ship or a ground station).

Therefore, the ROASW system can work in a Network Centric Warfare (NCW) exchanging tactical and intelligence information between forces deployed in the ASW mission, improving the control of the mission and increasing the detection range.

For additional information on ROASW functionality and performances, please visit web page: