SAES searches partners and European funding for USMA program of monitoring and analysis of submarine signatures in Brussels.

SAES searches partners and European funding for USMA program of monitoring and analysis of submarine signatures in Brussels.

Publicado: 29/01/2014

The SAES USMA (Signature Underwater Monitoring and Analysis Centre) program, which could be developed within the European framework Horizonte2020 would be an essential tool for the effective implementation of the EU Marine Strategy.

SIMOAC. Unidad Marina.

SAES has participated on 23 and 24 January at meetings of the Security Information and Mission Innovation Group (SMI2G) in Brussels, to launch the USMA program within the framework program European Horizon 2020 (H2020). The SMI2G, born in 2004, is an open forum oriented to security programs in the EU in order to exchange views on potential proposals for Research and Technology (R&T). SAES has contacted European companies and research centres to find partners to develop the USMA program and obtain European funding.

USMA Program and Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

The USMA (Signature Underwater Monitoring and Analysis Centre) program, to be presented as one of the proposals under the program Horizon 2020, is conceived to ensure the implementation of the European Directive 2008/56/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 that establish a framework for Community action in the field of marine environment (Marine Strategy framework directive). This directive, which will be mandatory from 2020, commits all EU countries to develop marine strategies to maintain biodiversity, and preserve the diversity and dynamic oceans and seas clean, healthy and productive, and sustainable exploitation.

The implementation of these strategies requires the development of equipment and standard measurement procedures that allow both assess the impact of any contaminant as to establish reference levels. In this scenario, progress must be made in measuring the impact of influences such as acoustic, electrical and magnetic in the flora and fauna of the seas and oceans.

SAES, specialist company and leader in underwater electronic technology in Spain, has a solid experience in projects related to the multi-influence measurement as MIRS (Multi-influence Range System). MIRS, which is being used in European projects as SIRAMIS, is a portable device at the forefront of the market for measuring electric, acoustic, magnetic, seismic and pressure signatures of vessels. USMA born based on this knowledge.

The USMA program will develop the technology and procedures as well as conducting measurement campaigns to optimize technology progresses and develop databases containing information of interest in areas such as defence, environment, tourism and fishing.

SAES seeks partners for the project

SAES is looking for partners and keen expertises in one or more of these areas:

• Scientific research in oceanography and marine sciences. Study of national and international standards in the marine environment.

• Electronic and mechanical design. Software design. Prototype manufacturing.

• Study and development of communications protocols (including underwater communications).

• Certificates and quality standards.

• Experts in communication and broadcast: fairs, conferences, traditional media and digital media.