SAES is visited by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy in the «INDO DEFENCE 2014» Expo & Forum.

SAES is visited by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy in the «INDO DEFENCE 2014» Expo & Forum.

Publicado: 10/11/2014

SAES shows the latest technology for underwater security and defence to the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy, Admiral Marsetio in Jakarta.

October 28 2014

SAES – Sociedad Anónima de Electrónica Submarina, SAES, present on days 5, 6 and 7 November at the international fair INDO DEFENCE 2014 Expo & Forum, has been visited from senior representatives of the armed, ministries of defence and industry in Asian countries interested in the SAES products & solutions to the undersea protection and surveillance.



The Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy, Admiral Marsetio, has been interested in the latest developments in submarine technology during his visit to the shared stand by SAES and Navantia (Stand A 174, Hall A).


Antisubmarine (ASW) warfare based on Sonobuoy Processing

The SAES products related to the ASW warfare based on sonobuoy processing are some of the fields that have aroused most interest.


Building on more than 25 years of expertise in acoustic processing, SAES has developed a complete family of airborne Sonobuoy Processing Acoustic Systems (SPAS) that covers MPA and Helo ASW operations, as well as provides the core for the ROASW System concerning remote exploitation of Acoustic and Non-Acoustic sensors (NAS).


SPAS allows the concurrent processing of up to 64 analogue and digital sonobuoys and provides all the necessary tools to allow passive detection, classification and tracking of submarines and surface ships. SPAS is a unique, modular, scalable and fully operative system that can be integrated the aircraft / helo tactical mission system. In fact, SPAS is installed and fully operative in aircrafts (P-3A/B/M Orion MPA and C-295 MPA aircraft), Helicopters (SH-60B LAMPS and HKP15 A-109) and Surface Ships (Visby class corvettes).


In addition, and as ground support to SPAS, SAES has manufactured ASW systems for post-mission analysis and training as SICLA-ASW (acoustic classification of contacts), FTAS (Fast time Analyzer System) and TAT (Tactical Acoustic Trainer).


DDS-03. Intruder Detection Sonar

Among the products of the «Sonar and Onboard Systems» commercial line, the high-frequency active sonar DDS-03 to detect intruders underwater, is also generating a keen interest, not only because it is a competitive sonar, but also for the customization capability and easy integration with any surveillance system.


SAES is a Spanish company specialized in acoustic and underwater electronic equipment and systems for undersea security and defence that provides advanced technology in the fields of Sonar, ASW, Sonobuoy Processing, Multi-influence Signature Measurements, Naval Mines, Maritime Security & Surveillance, Simulation, Training, as well as engineering, services and maintenance. SAES, founded in 1989, is classified as a Spanish strategic national company.