Underwater Acoustic Pollution: Sources and Biological Impact

Humans perceived underwater noise in a limited way, which has led him to make a abuse use of some systems that perturb the underwater environment such as dredging, drilling, oil and gas production , shipping, active sonar , oceanographic research, etc. All these actions produce underwater noise pollution.

Noise pollution, as well as magnetic and electrical pollution, affects the flora and fauna of the seas and oceans from the moment that hinder the development of habitual behavior of living beings.

In this scenario SAES is developing the project USMA ( Underwater Signature Monitoring and Analysis Centre), which aims to develop technologies, equipment and establish rules to acoustic, magnetic, electrical and seismic unconventional contamination, and ensure compliance with the European marine Strategy framework Directive. Due to its characteristics, USMA could be developed within the framework European Horizon 2020 (H2020) program.

The following article, where the main sources of acoustic noise and its characteristics are presented, belongs to the set of investigations that SAES has done in this field.


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The athletes sponsored by SAES, Alejandro Agüera y Maria Rodríguez, have achieved gold medals in Senior and Female Senior categories in traditional Sea Kayak K-1.

Alejandro Agüera, Gold in Kayak traditional sea K-1, Senior category, and María Rodríguez, Gold in Kayak traditional sea K-1, Female Senior category, with D. Julián Sánchez Ferragut, Ibiza Naval Command.

Sport involves values such us teamwork, respect for the team-mate, the delegation of tasks, responsibility, effort to achieve a common goal, the promotion of self-improvement…, all these values sustain SAES business activity and therefore the company supports various sporting activities.

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Navy officers of Mexico and Peru visit SAES

Officers belonging to the navies of Peru and Mexico have visited SAES facilities as part of the “International Master’s Degree in Naval Engineering” of the School of Naval Engineers of the UPM (Polytechnic University of Madrid).

Oficiales de Perú y México del Master Internacional en Ingeniería Naval Militar visitando SAESOften, the Armed Forces of many countries deems appropriate to complement the technical training aspect of his officers. In this sense, the objective of the “International Master’s Degree in Naval Engineering” is to provide the technical knowledge and management to oversee the procurement of complex systems, management of projects, and maintenance throughout its life cycle.

SAES, as a leading company in Spain in acoustic and submarine electronic, received the mentioned officers to show them different sonar systems, ship influence signature measurement, exercise naval mines and showed the different capabilities and the various developments of the company.

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SAES sponsors the XXXIII Golf Navy Championship

The championship, which was attended by 80 golfers, is supported by SAES since 2009.

The XXXIII Golf Navy Championship, which took place at the Golf Layos (Toledo) between 25 and 26 April 2014, had the participation of 80 golfers who came from different Spanish cities.

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SAES presented in MAST EurAsia 2014 its most recent study on underwater magnetic & electric measurement analysis.

The study, entitled “Main characteristics of the MIRS measured electric and magnetic underwater radiations emitted by cruise ships in the Mediterranean Sea”, is based on data collected during a period of 4 months with the SAES’ manufactured last generation Multi-influence Range System (MIRS), which configures as one of the most advanced equipment in its class.

Multi-influence range systemNowadays there exists an increasing concern in the international community on the effects on the marine life of the acoustics and non-acoustic underwater radiations, as reflected in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) of the European Union (EU). Additionally, there is in this field an important lack of information on the characteristics of non-acoustic radiations from specific types of vessels.

In order to contribute to mitigate this lack of information, SAES is developing a series of studies on the radiation generated by vessels, and specifically their magnetic and electric emissions, since their impact is much less known than this produced by acoustic radiations. First results of the studies, centered in cruise ships measurements, will be explained in depth in the MAST EurAsia 2014 Conference, on Wednesday 21st May at 8:30 hrs (Session 5C).

SAES has analyzed the underwater electric and magnetic fields generated by a type of vessels increasingly present in the seas and oceans: the cruise ships. These analyses are based on the data captured by the SAES’ manufactured Multi-Influence Range System (MIRS), deployed during a period of several months in the area of Cartagena to evaluate if the measured levels could impact in marine fauna in the area, following guidelines of the MSFD.

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SAES will produce its Diver Detection Sonar (DDS-03) with GIDROPRIBOR.

SAES and GIDROPRIBOR have signed a memorandum of cooperation for joint production and commercialization of Diver Detection Sonar (DDS-03).

This agreement sets the stage for the introduction of the high frequency sonar DDS-03 into the Eurasian continent (area of influence of the Caspian Sea). The high-frequency active sonar DDS-03 is specifically designed for the detection of underwater threats such as divers and manned and unmanned underwater vehicles (SDV, ROV or UUV), offering protection and surveillance against the potential threat they could represent in ports, critical facilities, shipwrecks, environmentally protected areas, special events and anchored boats.



As a result of this agreement, the DDS03 has been presented at the stand of GIDROPRIBOR in the Kazakhstan Defense Exhibition KADEX 2014, arousing the interest of visitors, since in recent years has increased awareness around the need for protection of ports, vessels and critical infrastructure against underwater threats in the Caspian Sea area. This protection requires the use of highly specialized sensors, characterized by a high probability of detection and low false alarm probability, such as the DDS03.

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SAES in UDT 2014. ASW Solutions for the modern ASW framework.

SAES will present in the Conference UDT (Undersea Defense Technology) – Europe 2014 a paper about ASW systems solutions that meet with the new necessities of ASW missions.

The emergence of new military technologies has dramatically affected to the traditional Concept of Operation of the Anti Submarine Warfare Missions (ASW). Modern submarines have technological advances in enhanced propulsion, quieting techniques and coordinated weapons technologies. In turn, new geopolitical scenarios in the world constrain naval forces involved in the ASW missions to the littoral waters.

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ASW solutions for the modern ASW framework. Full text Article.

The emergence of new military technologies has dramatically affected to the traditional Concept of Operation of the Anti Submarine Warfare Missions (ASW). Modern submarines have technological advances in enhanced propulsion, quieting techniques and coordinated weapons technologies. In turn, new geopolitical scenarios in the world constrain naval forces involved in the ASW missions to the littoral waters (brown waters).

The “way ahead” for ASW in the 21st Century is:

(a) to deploy the forces in a Secure Friendly Maneuver Area to enhance their security close to the coast

(b) to prioritize the use of smaller and faster combat ships (OPV, corvettes, FAC) able to share tactical and intelligence information exploiting the benefits of a Network Centric Warfare (NCW)

(c) to use unmanned vehicles (UAV or USV) to deploy sonobuoys and relay the acoustic information either to combat ships or ground stations (d) to have the ability to make quick and agile centralized decisions in order to drive all the deployed forces as if they were a single and powerful weapon.

The Remote Operation ASW System (ROASW) manufactured by SAES is the new ASW solution which solves and covers the new ASW framework.

To download the full text article click the link below.

SAES UDT 2014: ASW solutions for the modern ASW framework.

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SAES participates in two papers at the International Conference “Underwater Acoustic 2014” in Greece.

The articles, entitled “Measurement and modeling of fading in ultrasonic Underwater channels” and “SIRAMIS: preliminary analysis of Acoustic and seismic signatures ship” have been presented on 24 and 25 June respectively to an audience that brings together the leading experts involved in research in underwater acoustics.

SAES has been developing for over twenty-five years its expertise in underwater acoustics within the defense naval sector. Over the years, this skill has expanded also to civil applications.

As a leader company in the study, design and manufacturing of systems for Security and Defense based on Underwater Acoustic, SAES makes part of national and international consortiums, created to develop R&D&I projects.

The paper “SIRAMIS: preliminary analysis of Acoustic and seismic ship signatures” has been developed in the frame of the EDA coordinated SIRAMIS project.

The second paper presented at the Conference entitled: “Measurement and modeling of fading in ultrasonic Underwater channels” was written jointly with the University of Málaga.

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SAES visited GISBIR’s headquarters in Turkey.

SAES, as member of a Spanish Trade Delegation, composed of representatives of the major maritime companies and shipbuilding of the country, visited the Turkish Shipbuiders’ Association (GISBIR), on June 24, in order to promote their products and services and conducting bilateral negotiations with the Turkish companies.


ICEX (Spain Investments and Exports) and the Andalusia Autonomous Community organized the meeting.

GISBIR representative made a detailed presentation on the history and the status of GISBIR and the Turkish shipbuilding industry, as well as information about the capacity of Turkish shipyards and their projects.

Members of the Spanish Economic Commercial Office Istanbul showed their commitment and effort in consolidating and increasing the collaboration between Turkey and Spain.

As part of a joint trade mission, the Spanish Trade Delegation visited the Sedef shipyard, where it will develop the ship LPD (Class Juan Carlos I) in collaboration with Navantia for the Turkish navy.

Furthermore, SAES held meetings with some of the shipyards and most prestigious systems integrators from Turkey, located in Istanbul and Ankara.


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