Publicado: 15/05/2015


SAES, the Spanish reference company in underwater electronics, will attend this week to the “V International Exhibition Of Technology For Defense And Prevention Of Natural Disasters – SITDEF 2015” held in Lima – Perú, to promote their product and services in Latin-American region.


SAES – S.A. Electrónica Submarina, specialist in Underwater Electronics, participates with a stand in the Spanish Pavilion (INKA Pavilion 174-176) which brings together other Spanish companies belonging to TEDAE (Spanish Association of Defence, Aeronautics, Security and Space Technology Companies) for example Indra or Isdefe. The exhibition, one of the more relevant of Latin-American, started the Thursday 14 th and will last up to the Sunday 17th of May.


SAES, the company leader in Spain in underwater acoustics and electronics, has arranged meetings with the country’s authorities involved in the naval submarine industry to provide the most advanced technology in multiple areas: Sonar Systems, ASW, Sonobuoy Processing, Signature Intelligence, Multi-influence Naval Mines, Maritime and Coast Security and Simulation among other services.


Anti-submarine Warfare

 SAES stand SITDEF 2015

For Antisubmarine Warfare, the SPAS family (Sonobuoy Acoustic Processing systems) – capable of to process the most advanced analog and digital sonobuoys and available for installation in surface vessels, MPA and Helo – has aroused a great interest in the countries of the region. In fact, some Latin-American countries have incorporated this systems, being completely operative (TRL = 9) in different platforms and versions. “Also, we would like promote our ground equipments for mission support and acoustic intelligence ( FTAS – Fast Time Analyzer, SICLA – Classification System, TAT – Tactical Acoustic Trainer, simulators…) as well as to introduce one to the latest developments, the ROASW – Remote Operation ASW System” said from the company..


Mine Warfare


SAES SITDEF 2015 PeruFor Mine Warfare, the company manufactures the Multi-influence Naval Mines (MINEA) more advanced currently. The MINEA family consist of different kinds of naval mines (moored, cylindrical bottom and shallow water mines) available both combat and exercise versions. Moreover, SAES also provides Limpet Naval Mines that, equally in combat and exercise versions, are at the forefront of the market.


Furthermore, the SAES knowledge in Signature Intelligence achieved during more than 25 years of experience, lets them offer advanced systems to measurement of acoustic, magnetic, electrical, sismic and pressure influences coming from surface vessels and submarines, always adapting to the customer needs. MIRS – Multi-influence Range System o DEWARS – Deep Water Acoustic Range System are two of their principal products in this area.


SAES also provides advanced technology in other naval areas:

  • Sonar and On-board Systems. Development, manufacture and integration of sonar and others onboard systems such as sonar prediction systems, own noise monitoring, acoustic classification…
  • Maritime Security. SAES develops systems to protect critical infrastructures such as ports, drilling platforms or wrecks and also for environmental protection.
  • Simulation and Training. Tactical simulator for submarines. Sonar Simulator/Stimulator. Training systems for acoustic operators.
  • SAES services: Engineering services, verification and testing systems, maintenance, aftersales support, education and training.