SAES finalizes the integration test of the Towed Array Handling System (TAHS) made for new Spanish submarines S-80

SAES finalizes the integration test of the Towed Array Handling System (TAHS) made for new Spanish submarines S-80

Publicado: 22/01/2014

SAES has successfully completed integration testing of the Deployment and Recovering System (TAHS) with Digital Towed Sonar (DTAS), also made by SAES, ending a comprehensive STW (Setting- to- work) test plan on land in the own facilities, with more than 40 deployments completed without failure.


DTAS&TAHS Test Facilities

SOLARSUB S-80 DTAS & TAHS (Digital Towed Array Sonar & Towed Array Handling System) is the third generation of long-range towed array sonar for submarines based on digital technology (DTAS) developed by SAES for the new S-80 submarines for the Spanish Navy.

Last December, SAES finalized the integration testing of the System for Deployment and Recovering (TAHS) with Digital Towed Sonar (DTAS) at its sonar test facilities, located in “La Palma”, Cartagena. Over 40 deployment/recovering manoeuvres has been completed, equivalent to 40 missions since normally sonar is deployed only once per mission.

In addition, these facilities are prepared to conduct training and faults simulation of towed array sonar to submarine crew, since this is an exact replica of the system to install on S-80.

«The next step is the implementation of both systems on board the submarine and execute the Harbor Acceptance Test (HAT)» says the program manager.SOLARSUB DTAS TAHS

DTAS provides a tactical advantage to submarine and TAHS adds the capability to Automatically deploy and recover the sonar without surfacing, facilitating navigation and manoeuvrability.

Additionally, SAES develop the Combat System HMI, the sonar simulator- stimulator (SIM-STIM) and part of processing signal. Also provides the Acoustic Classification system (SICLA), the Sonar Performance Prediction system (SEAPROF), the Tactical Simulator (SIMTAC) and offers a complete line of technical assistance and engineering in underwater environments and ASW.