SAES participates in two papers at the International Conference «Underwater Acoustic 2014» in Greece.

SAES participates in two papers at the International Conference «Underwater Acoustic 2014» in Greece.

Publicado: 30/06/2014

The articles, entitled «Measurement and modeling of fading in ultrasonic Underwater channels» and «SIRAMIS: preliminary analysis of Acoustic and seismic signatures ship» have been presented on 24 and 25 June respectively to an audience that brings together the leading experts involved in research in underwater acoustics.

SAES has been developing for over twenty-five years its expertise in underwater acoustics within the defense naval sector. Over the years, this skill has expanded also to civil applications.

As a leader company in the study, design and manufacturing of systems for Security and Defense based on Underwater Acoustic, SAES makes part of national and international consortiums, created to develop R&D&I projects.

The paper “SIRAMIS: preliminary analysis of Acoustic and seismic ship signatures” has been developed in the frame of the EDA coordinated SIRAMIS project.

The second paper presented at the Conference entitled: “Measurement and modeling of fading in ultrasonic Underwater channels” was written jointly with the University of Málaga.

SIRAMIS. Signature Response Analysis on Multi-influence Sensors.


SIRAMIS is a project coordinated by the European Defence Agency standing for Signature Response Analysis on Multi Influence Sensors. As most of the international trade is carried out through marine routes, it is important to evaluate the vulnerability of the merchant vessel fleet to sea mines in order to be able to limit the potential exposure to this threat.

In this project, the participating nations pool their measurement and analysis capabilities to improve their knowledge on the underwater signatures of merchant vessels and understanding of the near field ship signature in relevant and realistic scenarios.

The project involves a series of recording campaigns performed near shipping lanes in the national waters of the participants, using various multi-influence measurement systems. The data analysis will help to separate the effect of the differences between the measurement systems and the environments from the features specific to the measured ships. A further analysis will investigate the relationship between the merchant vessels signatures and their characteristics.



The paper reports measurements for ultrasonic underwater acoustic communication (UAC) channels in Mediterranean shallow waters performed by the company SAES and the research group Ut2 of the University of Málaga. Statistical fit to the measured data is also carried out. The measurements have been conducted when the transmitter and the receiver are spaced 50, 100 and 200 m, approximately. Both transducers (B&K 8105 and RESON TC4032) have been placed at depths 3, 6 and 9 m from anchored boats. Faded channel sounding signals have been recorded at frequencies 32, 64 and 128 kHz. After preprocessing the measured data, accurate statistical fit to the recently proposed κ-μ shadowed fading model is obtained; this model includes, among others, the Rayleigh, Ricean and Nakagami-m fading.

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