SAES, a reference company in underwater electronics, attends this week to the “Asia Pacific’s Flagship Maritime Defence Show – IMDEX ASIA 2015” held in Singapore, to promote their products and services in that region.

SAES – S.A. Electrónica Submarina, specialist in Underwater Electronics, participates with a stand shared with NAVANTIA (R17) at the exhibition, one of the more relevant of Asia, started the Tuesday 19 th and will last up to the Thursday 21th of May.
“There is a worlwide growing interest in having data related to energy emissions in the underwater environment, besides the acoustic, of the electric, magnetic, pressure and seismic. Furthermore, the underwater surveillance is crucial for countries that have extensive coastline in order to avoid intrusion into territorial waters” says from the company.
SAES, as a specialist in ACINT (acoustic Intelligence) and SIGINT (Signature Intelligence) brings visitors to IMDEX the opportunity to know more about the products and systems based on these knowledge areas.
Systems for SIGINT
The SIGINT great advantage in the face of ACINT is that it allows the classification of a contact more accurately and in any situation and operating environment, due to the greater amount of information managed.
At present, this technique is used in an integrated manner in multi – influence systems, as MIRS and MINEA SAES developments, providing measures of all influences of any contact or threat, simultaneously.
MIRS – Multi-Influence Range System
The SAES Multi Influence Range System (MIRS) for surface vessels and submarines provides real influence measures (magnetic, electric, pressure, acoustic, and seismic) lets to obtain all signatures of the ship in different geographical locations allowing the successfully counteraction of threats.
The multi – influence range provides underwater influence measures in order to:
- Establish the mine threat of the measured ship.
- Test and calibrate the systems for signatures reduction as Active Shaft Grounding (ASG), Degaussing systems, Active Cathodic Protection (ACP), etc.
- Test, calibrate, and configure the minesweepers.
- Develop and validate studies for signature reduction and influence propagation models (dipole models, Boundary Contour Elements, etc).
- Provide a Data Base of signatures for:
o Intelligence (SIGINT).
o History evolution of the signature and ship maintenance.
- Evaluate new threats as combat divers, UUVs, ROVs, etc.
MINEA – Multi-Influence Naval Mines
Based on the experience in underwater sensors, SAES has developed a complete set of Multi-influence Naval Mines (MINEA), at the forefront of the market that use a variety of sensors (magnetic, electrical, seismic, acoustic and pressure) to detect different physical influences of the target.
The family of MINEA products comprises three naval mines: cylindrical bottom mine, conical shape shallow water mine and moored mine. In addition, the Exercise MINEA version is available to be used for MCM training and to gathering intelligence information by measurement and recording of ships influence signatures. Furthermore, the knowledge of this intelligence is essential to programming the fire algorithm of the Combat units.
Maritime Security
Today, asymmetrical threats in the fields of Defence and International Security make necessary to deploy underwater protection systems for Ports, drilling platforms, anchored boats, power plants, large oil refining companies, and any infrastructure of interest and extremely important which require protection.
DDS-03 – Intruder Detection Sonar
The high-frequency active sonar DDS-03 (diver detection sonar) has been specifically designed for the detection of underwater threats such as divers and manned and unmanned underwater vehicles (SDV, ROV or UUV), offering protection and surveillance against the potential threat in ports, critical facilities, shipwrecks, environmentally protected areas, special events, anchored boats…
Additionally, the Deterring System (DES) can warn non-authorized divers of being in a protected area and emit dissuasive acoustic signals if needed.
SIDIS – Integral Security System
SIDIS configures itself as a net of nodes that can operate in a stand-alone way or making part of an integrated surveillance system. These nodes are characterized as multi-sensor (acoustics and non-acoustics), modular, versatile and high-performance systems.
The SIDIS design is based on a layer protection concept to increase its degree of effectiveness. Its adaptability allow the integration with other sensors and surveillance systems to configure wider control systems. The DDS – Intruder Detection Sonar, explained before, is one of the elements that composes this integral security system.
SAES also provides advanced technology in other naval areas:
- Sonar and On-board Systems. Development, manufacture and integration of sonar and others onboard systems such as sonar prediction systems, own noise monitoring, acoustic classification…
- Anti-submarine warfare. Sonobuoy Processing Acoustic Systems (SPAS), integrated communications system (ROASW) and ground systems for mission support and acoustic intelligence, as well as Trainers and Simulators.
- Simulation and Training. Tactical simulator for submarines. Sonar Simulator/Stimulator. Training systems for acoustic operators.
- SAES services: Engineering services, verification and testing systems, maintenance, aftersales support, education and training.