SAES exhibits the DDS-03 Diver Detection Sonar in China.

SAES exhibits the DDS-03 Diver Detection Sonar in China.

Publicado: 08/11/2017

The company has promoted the system at the Oceanology International China 2017 Conference Forum SAES, in the context of a trade mission all over the country.

The protection of critical infrastructures is the main reason that makes SAES to travel across China in order to show SAES capabilities in security and their systems based on underwater acoustics. Companies related to security, integrators, public administrations, maritime authorities, research centers and universities have held meetings with SAES as a part of an intensive 2-weeks-commercial agenda. The meetings have taken place across several cities, such as Pekin and Shanghai.
During the commercial trade, the Forum Conference “Oceanology International China 2017” was held in Qingdao. SAES participated among others recognized firms such as Thales. The company exhibited the Diver Detection Sonar DDS-03 as well as other products civil-market oriented.

DDS-03 at Oceanology International in Qingdao (China)

The DDS-03 is a high-frequency-active sonar specially designed for the protection of ports, anchored ships and other high-value assets and critical infrastructures. Among other advantages, the system can be integrated into a surveillance system and allows the wireless alarm monitoring by mobile devices. The complete system also has a sonar-performance prediction tool in order to know the detection range of the sonar in any place where it works to select the best setting parameters.

The system offers tested high performances in a variety of operational scenarios such as the anchored ships deployments, seabed installation and port surveillance. The fact that DDS-03 is a consolidated solution against underwater threats and in the light of the very good results offered, even in adverse sea propagation conditions, has been highly appreciated by all meeting attendants.
Other products that SAES has promoted in the China civil market are those related to underwater measurement (acoustic and non-acoustic influences – magnetic and electric). Most of them can be applied for training as well as for marine noise control for environmental applications.