ASW solutions for the modern ASW framework. Full text Article.

ASW solutions for the modern ASW framework. Full text Article.

Publicado: 26/10/2017

The emergence of new military technologies has dramatically affected to the traditional Concept of Operation of the Anti Submarine Warfare Missions (ASW). Modern submarines have technological advances in enhanced propulsion, quieting techniques and coordinated weapons technologies. In turn, new geopolitical scenarios in the world constrain naval forces involved in the ASW missions to the littoral waters (brown waters).

The “way ahead” for ASW in the 21st Century is:

(a) to deploy the forces in a Secure Friendly Maneuver Area to enhance their security close to the coast

(b) to prioritize the use of smaller and faster combat ships (OPV, corvettes, FAC) able to share tactical and intelligence information exploiting the benefits of a Network Centric Warfare (NCW)

(c) to use unmanned vehicles (UAV or USV) to deploy sonobuoys and relay the acoustic information either to combat ships or ground stations (d) to have the ability to make quick and agile centralized decisions in order to drive all the deployed forces as if they were a single and powerful weapon.

The Remote Operation ASW System (ROASW) manufactured by SAES is the new ASW solution which solves and covers the new ASW framework.

To download the full text article click the link below.

SAES UDT 2014: ASW solutions for the modern ASW framework.