SAES will offer a presentation titled “Technological Solutions for new ASW challenges” scheduled the first day of the exhibition, Thursday 18th. Besides the presentation, SAES exhibits their solutions in a stand into the Spanish Pavilion.
SAES will participate at the SITDEF International Exhibition, which will be held from 18 to 21 May in Lima. The company exhibits together with five other Spanish firms into the Spanish Pavilion (stand 219, Inka Hall). On the first day of the show, Thursday 18th of May, a presentation titled “Technological Solutions for new ASW challenges” has been scheduled in the Inka auditorium.
New ASW challenges, new solutions.
During the conference, the changes in the operative concept of ASW missions will be discussed. The changes are due to the emergence of new naval and aerial platforms. Also, new geopolitical scenarios force naval forces involved in ASW missions to move closer to the coast.
Besides discuss new challenges, SAES, based on its wide experience providing different types of platforms with ASW systems, will explain some key issues such as, for example, the convenience of using digital sonobuoys as well as having advanced ASW systems capable of multi-static processing. Digital sonobuoys are better than analogue ones when the environmental noise is high, as usually happens in littoral waters. In addition, multi-static processing allows improvement of the threat detection rate.
Experience in submarines, surface vessels and air platforms.
SAES not only has advanced ASW systems for all types of platforms (surface and air segment) but also has more than 27 years of experience in other disciplines of underwater defense such as sonar and naval-mine warfare, which will be of special interest to official delegations attending SITDEF.
Since 1989, SAES has also supplied sonar and other onboard systems for a number of high-profile building and modernization programs. Some of these systems have included SOLARUB Towed Array Sonar and the TAHS deployment/recovery system, SICLA acoustic classification system, SEAPROF Performance- Prediction Sonar System, ONMS own-noise monitoring system, TMA Target Movement Analysis ,Graphical User Interfaces of the onboard sonars and Tactical Simulators.
Furthermore, SAES has collaborated in the development of Integrated-Combat Systems through: system integration, development of control applications and the test and validation of both acoustic and non-acoustic systems.
Naval Mines and Underwater Signature Intelligence
SAES is also experienced in MCM platforms. SAES designs and manufactures MINEA, the most advanced multi-influence naval mines on the market. MINEA is a family of smart naval mines whose exercise versions for training are essential on board any mine-hunting vessel. SAES also designs and manufactures MILA, Limpet Naval Mine for Special Forces (MILA).
Visitors to SITDEF will also be able to find out about MIRS Multi-influence Range Station. MIRS is an advanced portable system which obtains the complete signature of a vessel. IT can be used in various scenarios as it is portable and so can be deployed wherever necessary. For instance, MIRS can be used to as a discrete device to gather Underwater Signature Intelligence Information or as a tool to verify real-time ship-signature levels (Acoustic, Magnetic and Electrical) when vessels are leaving the base.