SAES receives the visit of Egyptian officers on board the LHD Gamal Abdel Nasser

SAES receives the visit of Egyptian officers on board the LHD Gamal Abdel Nasser

Publicado: 15/04/2019

SAES receives the visit of Egyptian officersA delegation of officers on board the helicopter carrier “Gamal Abdel Nasser” visited the SAES facilities, during the scheduled events while their stay in Cartagena.

The vessel LHD type Mistral “Gamal Abdel Nasser”, the flagship of the Egyptian Navy recently acquired to the French government, accompanied by the frigate ‘Tahya Misr’, has made a stopover on the training cruise that these Egyptian units are carrying out in the Mediterranean.

SAES has taken the opportunity of the presence of the Egyptian officers in Cartagena to invite them to visit our facilities, who showed great interest in our developments, particularly in the MINEA naval mines, MILA for special forces and the MIRS system.

Likewise, the Egyptian delegation was interested in port security systems, given that they already knew about the DDS-03, a system they consider to be applicable to the new challenges of protecting critical infrastructures, as well as about the control and management of a database of intelligence of signature

This visit corroborates the great interest, good relations and trust that the Egyptian army has placed in SAES.