SAES shows its maritime security and environmental solutions in Portugal

SAES shows its maritime security and environmental solutions in Portugal

Publicado: 14/11/2019

At the International Conference Technology for maritime surveillance and emergency management.

SAES has shown its maritime security and environmental solutions at the International Technology Conference for maritime surveillance and emergency management (Technology for maritime surveillance and emergency management). The results of the PROteuS projects (oriented to maritime security and surveillance) and CU3I (oriented to the management of maritime emergencies) have been announced in the conference, held in Faro on November 12 and 13, with attendants from the Mediterranean countries, being Portugal the host country.

SAES´ solutions are applied to conduct scientific studies and environmental and serve to verify that industrial noise levels remain within defined thresholds in maritime traffic activities, construction at sea, oil and gas extraction platforms , in offshore wind fields and any installation or activity that can introduce energy into the marine environment. SAES collaborates with environmental certifiers, shipping companies, port authorities, energy companies, construction companies and shipyards.


Measurement and analysis systems for maritime security and environmental presented by SAES.

  • DDS-03. Diver Detection sonar.
  • SDH. Intelligent digital hydrophone for autonomous or assisted underwater recording.
  • APPS. An acoustic performance prediction tool, with internationally validated propagation models.
  • • SOURCE-SEA. A submarine measuring system. Measures acoustic noise, electrical and magnetic emissions. Includes temperature and pressure sensors.
  • SOURCE-MAP. A noise mapping system to estimate the ambient noise in a given area.