SAES participated in the Naval Engineering Conference CINAV 2020

SAES participated in the Naval Engineering Conference CINAV 2020

Publicado: 19/11/2020

With a conference on the ASW capabilities of the new F-110 Frigate

SAES sponsored from November 4th to 6th the X Naval Engineering Conference CINAV 2020 organized by the Colombian Navy. The company has and participates with a lecture on the latest generation capabilities of the new F-110 Frigate by Ignacio Gutiérrez, head of ASW Line.

The speech summarizes the ASW capabilities that make the F-110 being one of the most advanced ASW frigates.

SAES signed in 2019 a contract with Thales for the manufacture, integration and testing of sonar technology for the project of the new F-110 frigates of the Spanish Navy. This contract is part of the agreement between Thales and Navantia for more than 160 million euros to provide to the future Spanish ships with anti-submarine warfare capabilities.

ASW capabilities of the F-110

SAES systems allow the F-110 Frigate having the maximum integration between acoustic sensors, incorporating the latest technologies in ASW, such as multistatic digital sonobuoys, having an acoustic intelligence database (ACINT) and improving the acoustic operator’s skills thanks to onboard training capacity.

These contributions will make it possible to cover the whole mission, briefing, operation and debriefing phases, thus increasing the chances of success.

Lecture on the ASW capabilities of the F-110 frigate.

The lecture is mainly focused on the sensors developed by SAES: the SAS systems (Sonobuoys Acoustic System) and the AMS (Acoustic Management System).

SAS (Sonobuoy Acoustic System) is an acoustic processor system for the passive and active sonobuoys, in analogic and digital implementation, that are deployed by both the frigate and the ASW helicopter.

The acoustic management system AMS (Acoustic Management System) includes calculation of prediction of sonar performance, fusion of tactical plots and multistatism between sonobuoys and between sonobuoys and Varaible Depth Sonar.