SAES participates in a presentation on the economic, industrial and social impact of the defence sector in Andalusia

SAES participates in a presentation on the economic, industrial and social impact of the defence sector in Andalusia

Publicado: 07/10/2021

Cristina Abad, SAES General Manager, took part in the round table scheduled for the II Course on Defence and Strategic Studies of the International University of Andalusia (UNIA): “Towards the Spanish Armed Forces of the XXI century”. The aim of this event was to highlight the political, social and economic importance of investing in the Defence sector.

  SAES General Manager, Cristina Abad, participated last 6th October in the round table on the economic, industrial and social impact of the defence sector in Andalusia, scheduled within the II Course on Defence and Strategic Studies. The theme of the round table was ‘Towards the Spanish Armed Forces of the XXI century,’ and it was organised by the International University of Andalusia (UNIA).

According to Cristina Abad, “it is important to know the contribution to society of companies in the defence sector such as SAES, which is a public company that generates employment and develops high technology in Andalusia and the region of Murcia.”

SAES in Defence Course of the International University of Andalusia
Cristina Abad y Cristóbal Sánchez in the center, Maite Sampalo, on the left y Christian Villanueva on the right.

Some other participants in the round table were: Cristóbal Sánchez, Secretary of the Junta de Andalucía for Industry; Christian Villanueva, Editor of “Ejércitos” magazine; and Maite Sampalo, Economic and Planning Manager of the Bahía de Cádiz for Navantia.

Guillem Colom, professor at Pablo de Olavide University (UPO), directed the Summer course ‘Towards the Spanish Armed Forces of the XXI century’, which took place 5th-6th October, in both onsite and online formats. The objective was to discuss the political, social and economic importance of investing in the defence sector and how relevant is to having a modern, balanced, viable and sustainable army.

  This training, in which he collaborates with the Secretary General for Defence Policy (Ministry of Defence), aims to learn about the main strategic-military trends and their potential impact on the Spanish defence sector, as well as to analyse the activities that are being carried out to adapt the Spanish Armed Forces to the future operating environment; and also to understand the national defence planning process, its main conditioning factors, as well as its financing and support.