Contractor profile_

Information for Contractors.

S.A. de Electrónica Submarina (SAES), S.M.E. informs that, on the occasion of the publication in the Official State Gazette of the Revised Text of the Public Sector Contracts Law (Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011 of November 14), and in accordance with Article 334 thereof, the SAES Contractor Profile has been integrated into the State Contracting Platform (PLACE), which can be accessed through the State Contracting Platform. From this page you will be able to access information regarding the requirements necessary to bid for contracts. This information is governed by Article 42 of the new Public Sector Contracts Law.

Consequently, SAES will make public through the State Contracting Platform, the tenders it calls, of which it is legally required to publicize, and their results, as well as other data and information considered relevant, in relation to the contracts it concludes, on the contractual activity of its Contracting Bodies and any other useful information of a general nature, such as contact details and means of communication that can be used to relate to the SAES Contracting Bodies.