DefenSe attachés from 22 countries visit SAES

DefenSe attachés from 22 countries visit SAES

Publicado: 14/06/2019

During the visit to the facilities in Cartagena, real-size scale models of the DDS-03 diver detection sonar, the MINEA training naval mines and the MILA special operations

A group of 33 Defense Attachés from 22 countries, accompanied by the Spanish Navy and the Ministry of Defense of Spain, had visited the SAES facilities in Cartagena. The countries represented have been Germany, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Cote d’Ivoire, France, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Senegal, Uruguay and USA.

The objective of the visit is to publicize the capabilities of the company, like reference in acoustics and underwater defense systems in Spain, and participant of the major naval programs developed in the country, such as submarines S-70, S-80 and the minehunter of the Segura class, among others…

During the meeting, scale models of the DDS-03 diver detection sonar, the MILA special operations naval mine and the MINEA multi-influence naval mines were shown.

In addition, it have been presentations of acoustic sonobuoy processors, candidates to be integrated into the combat system of the F-110, and of the portable system of multi-influence MIRS signature measurements.

On the visit, the Defence Attachés have been especially interested in systems based on multi-influence measurement technology: MINEA mines and MIRS system. Both are capable of detecting the acoustic, electrical, magnetic, seismic and pressure influences of the ship. In the case of mines, in order to detect the signature of the vessel that has been previously programmed and in the case of the signature measurement system, to characterize the ship’s multi-influence signature.