EMERGUIN, the NATO Naval Mine Warfare Centre of Excellence, visits SAES headquarters.

EMERGUIN, the NATO Naval Mine Warfare Centre of Excellence, visits SAES headquarters.

Publicado: 15/02/2018

The company has presented its developments in underwater signature measurement and naval training mines.

The delegation was composed of 13 Officers in Course, 3 Professors and 3 Spanish Navy Officers, including the commander of the Force of Mine Counter-Measures of the Spanish Navy, Captain D. Rafael Arcos Palace.

SAES, which has delegations in Cartagena and San Fernando, is the reference company for the Spanish Navy in Underwater Acoustics. The firm is at the forefront of the market and in development and manufacturing of multi-influence measurement systems and exercise-naval mines.

Delegation of EGUERMIN next to SAES headquarters

This visit is the second one since the NATO Center of Excellence also came to SAES in 2016. That time the delegation also visited the headquarters and workshop. In addition, EGUERMIN has in its facilities two mock-up of MILA limpet naval mine, which is part of the permanent exhibition in NATO Naval Mines Centre of Excellence.

Delegation of EGUERMIN attended a presentation on multi-influence underwater measurement at the SAES training room.

SAES is a company born in 1989 qualified as strategic for the defence that develops high technology such as sonar and systems based on complex algorithms for underwater signal processing. The company has participated in important programs such as the Spanish Mine hunter vessels and the S-80 Spanish submarines. Last annual accounts show that the 80% of sales are international.

EGUERMIN was created in 1965 as a Belgian-Dutch War School of Mines and, since 2006, became the Center of Excellence for the NATO Mine War (NMW COE – Naval Mine Warfare Center of Excellence).