Vocational Day with students from Maristas School in Cartagena

Vocational Day with students from Maristas School in Cartagena

Publicado: 13/12/2023

On November 23rd, a group of first-year high school students from the Maristas educational centre visited the SAES facilities in Cartagena and La Palma as part of the ’24 hours with you’ programme. The aim of this vocational day, organised by the school, is to give students the opportunity to firsthand experience the professional experiences and career paths that can be achieved by studying degrees such as Engineering or Mathematics.

During the visit to the Cartagena head office, the students were welcomed by César Solano, General Manager and former student of the Maristas school, who welcomed them and shared his professional experience in the field of engineering. For her part, Esther Corbalán, Head of People Development, presented the activities developed at SAES and highlighted the study of different activities and the benefits of performing different roles in the professional field.

At the La Palma facilities, the students were accompanied by José Ramón Martínez, Production Area Manager, and Manuel Castilla, Manufacturing Manager in the Production Area. Both showed the students the different areas of the manufacturing process and shared their knowledge and experiences in the field of engineering.

During the day, the students had the opportunity to interact with colleagues from SAES, who shared their experiences and knowledge, providing advice and resolving doubts about the professional future.

For Esther Corbalán, “SAES’s participation in activities of this type is fundamental as we contribute to our environment, and at the same time it allows us to foster vocations in STEM degrees”.