SAES celebrates its 30th anniversary in FEINDEF

SAES celebrates its 30th anniversary in FEINDEF

Publicado: 11/06/2019

SAES showed real-size mock-ups of DDS-03 diver detection sonar, MINEA training naval mine and a real unit of MIRS multi-influence signature measurement systems.


SAES, specialized in acoustics and underwater electronic, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, coinciding with the first edition of the FEINDEF International Security and Defense Exhibition. SAES is the main reference in Spain for sonar technology and submarine and antisubmarine warfare systems. The company has participated in most of the major Spanish naval programs, such as the S-70 and S-80 submarines and the Segura Class minehunters.

Some of the sonar products include a towed array sonar with automatic deployment and recovery, diver detection sonar and acoustic classification systems. In addition to sonars, the company develops systems for the measurement of underwater ship signatures and manufactures naval training mines recognized internationally.

The company also has anti-submarine warfare technology for MPA aircraft, frigates and ASW helicopters. These systems are on board various platforms in Europe and Latin America, as well as in Spain, where the company has collaborated in the modernization of P3-M aircraft and A-109 / HKP15 helicopters.

ASW systems are an essential element aboard frigates with anti-submarine capabilities such as the F-110 project. The submarines, thanks to the technology developments are highly stealthy.  Therefore it is necessary having advanced systems for processing and analysis in order to detect the underwater threats. SAES has experience and knowledge in anti-submarine warfare and has developed complex detection algorithms, included in the acoustic processors of sonobuoys such as SPAS. The SPAS system incorporates automatic contacts detection and advanced processing techniques for high detection and tracking of targets. The system also allows the classification and automatic location of threats.

These facts make SAES a strong ally to participate in the F-110 frigate program.

Intelligent naval mines are another strategic element in naval warfare. Nowadays, the smart naval mines has high technology for the precise detection of targets and can be programmed to act according to the multi-influence signature of the detected vessel. For this reason, the training of the crew is crucial as a way of knowing the vulnerability of the ship itself and thus protecting the fleet. As a result, the MINEA training naval mines developed by SAES are a useful tool for minehunter ship crew, both to gain knowledge about multi-influence signatures and to program a mine against a potential threat.

In reference to the measurement of signatures, the MIRS system allows to obtain simultaneously the acoustic, electrical, magnetic, and seismic and pressure signatures of a ship. It should be noted that it is a portable system that can be deployed at sea from a pneumatic boat. This characteristic differentiates it from fixed stations, whose main limitation is the need to move ships to them. The MIRS system allows greater flexibility and frequency for the measurement of signatures, being able to be used for multiple purposes, such as obtaining the signature in a real scenario or as a discrete form of obtaining intelligence in strategic areas.

SAES showed on FEINDEF (stand C-08) real-size models of several of the previously mentioned systems: MIRS multi-influence signature measurement system, DDS-03 diver detection and MINEA multi-influence naval mines.