SAES, committed to you

SAES, committed to you

Publicado: 23/03/2020

“Stopping the coronavirus is everyone’s responsibility. If you protect yourself, you protect the others”.

SAES has adapted its activity faced with the public health crisis situation, following the declaration of a global pandemic by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the State of Alarm decreed by the Spanish Government, adopting preventive security measures.

In order to preserve the health of our employees and customers, SAES has followed the Government’s recommendations from the outset to contain the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19). Since March 16, on-site activities at SAES have been suspended, and we have started teleworking and time flexibility to continue with our projects and daily work, also facilitating the family and professional reconciliation of our staff.

The staff is demonstrating an exceptional level of commitment to the projects and the measures taken, and our goal is to overcome this crisis.

The previous week were imposed travel restrictions and event cancellation. It also was prepared all the necessary technological infrastructure to work remotely thus for most activities our employees are in their homes communicated and teleworking.

Additionally, we are following all governmental protocol for preventing coronavirus contagion.

We are aware that collaboration and individual responsibility are essential to overcome this health crisis among all. We have to work together, and we join to the gratitude and recognition to all the health personnel in Spain, and to all the groups that are adding their effort to the collective challenge of fighting against the Covid-19, especially our Armed Forces and State Security Corps.