SAES in EXPODEFENSA’14. Solutions for Maritime Surveillance & Security.

SAES in EXPODEFENSA’14. Solutions for Maritime Surveillance & Security.

Publicado: 26/10/2017

SAES will participate in the International Exhibition of Defence and Security Expodefensa 2014 in Bogota, Colombia, from 29 to 31 October, at Booth 240, Hall 6.



SAES – Sociedad Anónima de Electrónica Submarina will be exhibiting this week its products and solutions in technology and underwater acoustics, in Bogotá, in the framework of one of the most influential fairs of Defence and Security in Latin America.


SAES provide defence and security solutions fully adapted to the needs of customers in the military and civilian sectors. It is in this last area where SAES is increasing its line of developments, mainly aimed at the maritime and environmental safety.

Today, asymmetrical threats in the fields of Defence and International Security make necessary to deploy underwater protection systems for Ports, drilling platforms, anchored boats, power plants, large oil refining companies, and any infrastructure of interest and extremely important which require protection.


SIDIS – Integral Security Systems

The SIDIS system for marine environment surveillance and protection is characterized by the wide range of tasks that is able to undertake in different scopes such as environmental monitoring, marine mammals detection, protection of ship wrecks or archaeological remains or protection of harbors, vessels and critical infrastructures in the marine environment.

The SIDIS design is based on a layer protection concept to increase its degree of effectiveness. Its adaptability allow the integration with other sensors and surveillance systems to configure wider control systems.


DDS-03. Intruder Detection Sonar


The high-frequency active sonar DDS-03 has been specifically designed for the detection of underwater threats such as divers and manned and unmanned underwater vehicles (SDV, ROV or UUV), off­ering protection and surveillance against the potential threat in ports, critical facilities, shipwrecks, environmentally protected areas, special events and anchored boats.

Their high acoustic performance, powerful detection range and wide range of features for detection and tracking of targets, alarms, classification and communication systems make the DDS-03 essential for security and surveillance underwater.

Additionally, the Deterring System (DES) can warn non-authorized divers of being in a protected area and emit dissuasive acoustic signals if needed.