SAES is reinforced in order to manage big projects

SAES is reinforced in order to manage big projects

Publicado: 29/01/2018

The company, a reference in sonar technology for underwater defence, met with high representatives from Spanish government and from Thales in order to coordinate future projects related to underwater technology.

The 16th of January, SAES management met with representatives from Spanish government and Thales in order to coordinate next collaborations in projects related to sonar and anti-submarine warfare. The Deputy General Director of Inspection, Regulation and Industrial Strategy of Defence D. Pedro A. Fuster González, and the president of Thales Spain, D. Jesús Sánchez-Bargos participated in the meetings, together other representatives from defence department and from Thales Underwater Systems Business Line.


SAES is the reference company in Spain in underwater acoustics systems for more than 27 years. The firm develops high-tech and provides to the main Spanish naval projects with systems and engineering services. SAES has participated in several programs such as S-80 submarines, Segura class minehunters, tactical simulators for submarines, ASW systems and exercise-naval mines for training. Last years, SAES has increased the international contracts up to the  80% of sales.


New facilities for the management of strategic projects for Spanish Navy.

The knowledge and technology that SAES has, makes the company being a strategical allied for the underwater defence in Spain. Even in a scenario of low investment by Spanish government in defence programs, the company has gone on developing technology thanks to the innovation and the international market. This fact make SAES owns a valuable knowledge in underwater acoustic systems and signature management, both essential for the defence against underwater threats.

During the visit to SAES facilities, the new offices and factory facilities was shown. New space in main offices, more than 200 m2, allow a new conference room and a training room. The training of national and international navies in SAES facilities is a service that is highly demanded. Furthermore, a new water tank for sonar test has been included, besides the one constructed for the deploy system of towed array sonar of S-80.


Sonar, anti-submarine warfare systems and naval mines.

SAES develops sonar, anti-submarine warfare systems for all kind of platforms as well as naval mines. Among these systems is relevant the DDS-03 diver detection sonar since the Spanish firm is one of the few companies that commercialize it. Also, it was highlighted the fact SAES manufactures the most advances multi-influence naval mines nowadays, based on the knowledge in acoustic and signature intelligence. Besides these developments, SAES’s portfolio includes one of the most moderns systems for ASW based on sonobuoy processing.