SAES meets with Blue Growtht’s economic sectors at InnovAzul 2018

SAES meets with Blue Growtht’s economic sectors at InnovAzul 2018

Publicado: 04/12/2018

I International Meeting on Knowledge and Blue Growth, organized by the University of Cádiz (UCA) and the CEI-Mar Foundation.

InnovAzul 2018 took place in Cádiz on November 29 and 30. It is an international innovation meeting in the productive sectors of the Blue Economy, where more than 130 Naval and Offshore Construction companies and 600 specialists in this field.

The main objective of InnovAzul is the promotion of public-private competitiveness towards a circular economic model and sustainable development. InnovAzul is an essential meeting point for companies demanding technologies, administrations, knowledge generators and technological agents, for innovation and socio-economic development in the marine-maritime sectors.

B2B meetings.

Simultaneously, the attending firms were able to schedule up to 30 bilateral meetings with other participating companies related to their interests.

In this sense, SAES held meetings with universities and consulting companies in order to collaborate in environmental impact studies to require measurements and analysis of submarine noise. In addition, SAES provided information about the DDS to companies in the security sector and representatives of port authorities. It was also presented SOURCE-MAP systems, a tool for generation of noise maps, capable of evaluation of the radiated-noise by their facilities.

The wide participation in the event, more than a thousand attendees, gave the opportunity to SAES to communicate its capacity in tasks related to the measurement and estimation of underwater noise and the protection of critical infrastructures of submarine threats.