SAES present a lecture on the ocassion of the LXX Anniversary of the Spanish Mine Countermeasures Force

SAES present a lecture on the ocassion of the LXX Anniversary of the Spanish Mine Countermeasures Force

Publicado: 26/10/2017

Tomorrow April 20 afternoon at 19.00 in the UPCT will be held the “Conferences to mark the LXX anniversary of the creation of Mine Countermeasures Force”.


SAES, which maintains a continued close working relationship with the MCM Force will participate with a lecture entitled “The present of Mine Warfare”. This conference will be preceded by two others: “Basic Concepts on Minewarfare and description of the MCM Force” and “Why mine hunting? Spanish Minehunter”, offered by the MCM Force and Navantia respectively.



SAES has participated in the two series of spanish minehunters supplying various equipment and simulators currently operating on such vessels.


The high specialization and experience in underwater acoustics allows us to offer systems and technical and technological support for the construction or updating of minehunters such as noise and vibration monitoring systems, sonar and equipment simulators for training, Exercise naval mines, etc.

Furthermore, SAES offers following high technology and custom solutions in the military and civilian markets:


  • Sonar and Onboard Systems
  • ASW systems for air or naval platforms
  • Underwater Signatures Measurement & Control. Acoustic, magnetic, electric, seismic and pressure influences.
  • Multi-influence Naval Mines
  • Acoustic Classification and Intelligence Systems
  • Protection and Maritime Surveillance
  • Simulation and Training Systems
  • Engineering Services, Technical Support and Maintenance.