SAES present at Euronaval 2022 its capabilities in underwater measurement and maritime security

SAES present at Euronaval 2022 its capabilities in underwater measurement and maritime security

Publicado: 18/10/2022

Euronaval 2022 is the world’s largest naval exhibition and it takes place in Paris Le Bourget from 18th to 21st October 2022. It brings together the navies from many countries around the globe as well as the most important companies within the naval sector. SAES takes part in Euronaval together with Navantia to present its capabilities in underwater acoustics and electronics in relation to underwater measurement, security and solutions.

This week is taking place in Paris the world’s largest naval exhibition: Euronaval 2022, bringing together the navies from numerous countries around the world as well as the most important companies within the naval sector. SAES is an international leader in underwater acoustics and electronics, and it is taking part in Euronaval 2022 together with Navantia. There are 480 exhibitors and more than 140 official delegations.

SAES present at Euronaval 2022 its capabilities in underwater measurement and maritime security.

SAES is presenting its capabilities in the following three areas: engineering and underwater technology systems; maritime security; and special operations.

In underwater signature measurement and ASW (anti-submarine warfare), SAES has developed the MIRS, SPAS and DISOUROS systems.

The Multi Influence Range System (MIRS) for surface vessels and submarines provides, simulatenously, real measurements of magnetic, electric, pressure, acoustic, and seismic influences.

SPAS is an acoustic sonobuoy processor for detecting, locating and tracking underwater threats from aerial platforms. It incorporates the most advanced acoustic processing techniques for all types of passive and active sonobuoys, implemented both analogically and digitally. The SPAS is fully operational in different countries and different platforms such as the P-3B Orion or the C-295 aircrafts.

DISOUROS is a powerful and advanced acoustic processor for detecting, locating and tracking submarine threats from combat ships using a low-frequency dipping sonar and passive sonobuoys. It provides multistatic processing and interoperability between the different ASW platforms involved: corvettes, frigates, helicopters, MPA aircrafts.

Special Operations

SAES has more than 30 years’ experience in the naval sector, developing smart naval mines such as the MINEA (equipped with multiple sensors) and naval mines for special forces. MINEA is a modern system with high detection and multi influence signature processing capabilities.

MINEA naval mines are the most advanced smart marine mines manufactured today. They are intended for training minesweeper crews to provide deeper insight to mine hunting and neutralisation techniques.

SAES technology is being used by naval forces and Navies around the world, including platforms used in naval warfare such as minesweepers, frigates, submarines, maritime patrol aircrafts, anti-submarine warfare helicopters and UXV vehicles.