SAES presents its state-of-the-art underwater security & defence systems at Poland.

SAES presents its state-of-the-art underwater security & defence systems at Poland.

Publicado: 26/10/2017

SAES participates with a stand (F-15) in the 23rd International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO from 1 to 4 September.


SAES – Sociedad Anónima de Electrónica Submarina will be exhibiting this week its products and solutions, in Poland, one of the most influential fairs of the sector in Europe.


Poland is one of the countries of interest for the company due to the important projects, present and future, related with submarine and anti-submarine warfare. SAES has a wide range of systems at the forefront of the market in those areas, specifically in Sonar Systems, ASW, Sonobuoy Processing, Signature Intelligence, Multi-influence Naval Mines, Maritime and Coast Security and Simulation.


The products that more interest are arising on the people attending are the ASW systems for aircraft and surface vessels as SPAS (Sonobuoy Processing Acoustic Systems) and ROASW (Remote Operation ASW systems). In fact, SAES was recently at Poland having meet with important local and international companies in order to establish commercial collaborations.



ROASW is a two Segment System – AS (Airborne Segment) & SS (Surface Segment):

  • ROASW-AS is a distant and elevated platform for sensors. The ROASW-AS provides remote ASW capabilities without the need of a dedicated sensor.
  • ROASW-SS: Controls and monitors ROASW-AS operation from the Surface Segment. Through the data link (STANAG 7085 compliance), acoustic and non-acoustic sensors (RADAR & FLIR) and tactical data are downlinked and interchanged with other Surface Segments through either a Line Of Sight (LOS) or through Satellite (SATCOM).


The latest plans to modernize the Navy includes the provision of submarines, surface platforms, helos, unmanned vessels and UAVs together the fact that in the modern ASW framework all these platforms collaborate in a Network Centric Warfare (NCW), make ROASW the perfect solution. This system constitutes a unique, fully integrated ship/air weapon solution that allow to make quick and agile centralized decision allowing communication of tactical data and acoustic by Surface –To – Surface (S2S), Surface – To – Helo (S2H) and Surface – To – Satellite (SATCOM).


In fact, one of the most technologically advances Navies, the Swedish Royal Navy has equipped their Visby class corvettes and HKP-15 helicopters with the ROASW system.


Other systems for Systems for Underwater SIGINT as MIRS (Multi-influence range system) and exercise mines MINEA (Multi-influence Naval Mines) are of the interest of the companies and authorities at the fair. MIRS provides real influence measures (magnetic, electric, pressure, acoustic, and seismic) in a real and controlled scenario, to successfully counteract threats. Some decisive advantage of MIRS is the portability, low weight and power consumption and high performance, which lets to obtain all signatures of the ship in different geographical locations. Additionally, the Exercise MINEA family (also available at combat version) are other of products of interest since can be used, in addition to training at MCM, to gather intelligence information by measurement and recording of ships influence signatures.


The easy integration of its systems and the experience in important international programs are some of the characteristics that defines this hi-tech Spanish company.