SAES supports the XXXVI Golf Navy Championship 2017

SAES supports the XXXVI Golf Navy Championship 2017

Publicado: 26/10/2017

Alfredo Gordo won the Trophy for the Best Guest StableFord Handicap


The XXXVI Golf Navy Championship took place at the Denia La Sella Golf Resort & Spa (Alicante) from 9 to 10 June 2017.  More than 85 players from different Spanish cities took part in the event. This Championship is part of the Plan of Activities of the Central Board of Physical Education and Sports of the Spanish Navy.


The closing ceremony was chaired by the Hon. Admiral Chief of Staff and President of the Central Board of Physical Education and Sports of the Navy, Francisco José Cortés Uría, accompanied by the Hon.  Admiral Director of Naval Education, Manuel Romasanta Pavón, with the attendance of several civil and military authorities, and the sponsor companies, such as SAES, on whose behalf attended by President Alfredo Gordo.


Participants were divided into three categories according to their handicaps, playing under the modality of stableford with handicap. The champion of the Navy was established according to the best result “scratch” within the modality of programmed game (“stableford scratch”). The TN. José María García Sánchez, FLOAN-4th Squadron, won first place in the final Scratch Classification.


Alfredo_Gordo_mejor invitado        campeón fgolfarmada2017


SAES, which sponsors the championship since 2009, believes that the open-air practice of this sport and the socialization involved are arguments that identify golf as a good anti-stress therapy.