SAES takes part in the 7th edition of ‘Itinere’, a youth employment day that highlights technology, industry and the port as the major sources of employment in Cartagena

SAES takes part in the 7th edition of ‘Itinere’, a youth employment day that highlights technology, industry and the port as the major sources of employment in Cartagena

Publicado: 07/03/2023

SAES has taken part in the ‘Itinere 2023’, a boosting youth employment day with representatives of leading companies from the naval and industrial sectors, in a rounded table about the career opportunities in the Port of Cartagena. SAES director of Human Resources, Esther Corbalan, has talked about the company’s activity and its most demanded professional profiles

The 7th edition of ‘Itinere 2023’, a boosting youth employment day, has taken place in El Batel Auditorium and Conference Centre in Cartagena. It has been organised by the Youth Council and the Local Development Agency. Itinere was launched seven years ago as a meeting point for young people and companies from Cartagena area with the aim of mobilising youngsters and make them the main actors in their own training and career development.

SAES Director of Human Resources has participated in a rounded-table about career opportunities in the Port of Cartagena, where she has spoken about her role in the company, and the most demanded professional profiles at SAES.

Esther explained in her talk that company internships are “a great opportunity for students to consolidate the knowledge acquired at their educational centres, as well as to put it into practice within the firm’s operating environment.”


Esther Corbalán, SAES Director of Human Resources, participated in Itínere 2023