The OCEAN MASTER project for the development of an autonomous multi-purpose vehicle achieves the first year.

The OCEAN MASTER project for the development of an autonomous multi-purpose vehicle achieves the first year.

Publicado: 26/10/2017

The main objective of this project is the design, development and validation of an unmanned underwater vehicle able to carry out missions in highly complex and demanding environments.


The project, entitled “MULTIPURPOSE AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE FOR DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS AND ROLES IN OCEANIC OPERATIONS  (ITC-20151348)” is regarding a new generation of disruptive vehicles that will provide large capacities to their civilian or military users.logo OCEAN MASTER


SAES’ participation in OCEAN MASTER centers in two aspects: payload of the vehicle and communications between them. As payload are incorporated a Side Scan Sonar (SSS) to perform both bottom surveys and surveillance of channels and harbour accesses and a Diver Detection Sonar (DDS) to detect both divers and objects in the water column. As communication system, an acoustic data link is used to allow the interchange of commands and data between the vehicles.


OCEAN MASTER is a multi-regional project being developed in Andalucía, Galicia and Murcia and has a duration of 2 years and a half. The validation sea trials of the last generation unmanned vehicle prototype have been scheduled for December 2017.


OCEAN MASTER is supported by Spain and Europe


Due to the technological jump posed in the project, as well as the high capacity and experience of the consortium, the OCEAN MASTER project has been selected in the INTERCONECTA 2015 program and is being supported by CDTI, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund in the 2014-2020 Technological Fund Operational Program.




It is intended to take advantage of the existing knowledge in industries as the naval, electric or electronic ones and auxiliary industries so that their activity can be reactivated in an important degree, implying also the creation of new products, processes and services of strategic interest for the implied sectors. At the same time it is intended that the project boosts the leadership and international positioning in the unmanned marine vehicles sector, strengthening the wealth and employment generation capacity of the Spanish naval industry.


Companies participating in OCEAN MASTER


The consortium of this project integrates 4 companies with large technical and technological capacity to address the tasks with all the guarantees.


  • ELINCO integrates a team of technicians with a high professional quality and experience to develop projects, being specialized in the design and realization of all kind of electrical installations, manufacturing of electrical panel boards and control consoles, repair of electromechanical equipments, products and services directed to the naval and industrial sectors.
  • GHENOVA is an international multidisciplinary engineering and consulting company that works in the sectors needing an integral solution. The company participates in large projects of high technological complexity for some of the world’s largest firms in the naval, offshore oil & gas, industry and energy, infrastructure, aeronautic and defense sectors.  In nine years of history, GHENOVA has become an engineering of reference in Spain, recognized company in Europe and successfully stablished in Latin America.
  • SAES is a highly specialized and internationally recognized company in the electronic and underwater acoustic fields. Its main objectives are the design, manufacturing, assembly, installation, repair, maintenance, import, export and distribution of equipments, tools and electric, electronic and acoustic systems in its most wide sense and centered in the underwater necessities.
  • AISTER Integrates 5 divisions related with the naval sector: naval accommodation, thermal isolation and naval carpentry, ship repair and aluminum boiler works, marinas and aquiculture.  With regards the three first activities, AISTER has been working with and for the main shipbuilders of the Vigo estuary and others of the rest of Spain.