SAES has participated in the development of the MIRICLE project (December 2021 to December 2023), selected for funding by the European Commission in the 2020 EDIDP (European Defence Industrial Development Program) call, under the theme: Solutions to detect, identify, counter, and protect against the threat of mines, including those operating at great depths.

The project has been developed by a consortium composed of 18 entities from 10 European nations and coordinated by the French entity Naval Group.
MIRICLE (Mine Risk Clearance for Europe) addresses the main components of an innovative mine countermeasure solution, such as: mission system, communication network, MCM (Mine Countermeasure) vessel, and robots, using Artificial Intelligence to support decision-making and leading to significant improvements in the execution of MCM missions. More specifically, it will enable European navies to benefit from the highest and most interoperable military mine countermeasure capabilities, in accordance with NATO recommendations.
SAES’s participation in the project focuses on two areas: reduction of electric and magnetic signatures, including the definition, design, development, and testing of an electromagnetic signature reduction system, and the study, analysis, and evaluation of the mine threat.