The Board of Directors of SAES has agreed to appoint Joaquín López Pagán as the new CEO of the company at the meeting held the 5th of October. Born in 1976, he has a Law Degree and a master’s degree in Business Legal Advice. He has been a member of a Spanish Region parliament and Senator of the Senate of Spain.

He succeeds Sofía Honrubia, the president from June 2020, and who continues as Commercial and Business Development Director of Navantia, SA, SME (Navantia). From this position she will continue to promote collaboration between both companies as usual.
SAES is part of the state business public sector. It is attached to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations through the commercial, also public, SAES CAPITAL, S.A., S.M.E. and this in turn through Navantia, all of them belonging to and included in the SEPI Group (State Society of Industrial Participations). SAES CAPITAL owns 51% of the shares and the 49% belongs to the French company THALES DMS FRANCE SAS.
SAES, specialists in underwater acoustics and electronics, is the benchmark company in Spain for sonar technology and antisubmarine warfare since more than 30 years. Some of its products can be applied to the civil market in the areas of security and underwater measurement for environmental surveillance.
The company, which has participated in the most important Spanish naval programs of submarines, mine hunters, frigates, among other platforms, also has a marked international character, exporting to different countries such as France, the United States, Sweden, Chile, Colombia and Kazakhstan. among others.
SAES has recently obtained important contracts with Navantia and Thales in relation to the F-110 program for which it contributes the acoustic processing of sonobuoys to the frigate and will undertake the manufacture, installation and testing of the Thales cylindrical BMAS sonar, as well as its integration into the sonar suite, among other works. In addition, the company will participate in supporting the life cycle of the S-80 submarine and F-110 frigates. By these contracts, the company strengthens its position in the defense sector as a leading company in ASW technology.