SAES has taken part this year in the mentoring programme developed by the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering (‘Women & Engineering’ project) in partnership with the Cartagena Polytechnic University. The project aims to strengthen scientific and technological vocation among young girls and it celebrates its closing ceremony on Friday 15th October with the presence of all the partner companies.
The Women’s Talent and Excellence Development Programme was launched by the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering with the partnership of the Cartagena Polytechnic University (UPCT), targeting female students in their last year of their master’s degree, postgraduates or newly-qualified engineers. The objective of this programme is to motivate young students and foster vocations in STEM studies (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) so that more women decide to pursue these specialities, as well as help develop their professional career until they reach decision-making positions.
Three women in SAES management positions have been mentoring and guiding young female engineers into their access to the job market: Cristina Abad (General Manager, Industrial Automatics and Electronics Engineer); Sara García (Director of Digital Transformation & Innovation, Telecommunications Engineer); and Esther Corbalán (Director of Human Ressources, Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics).
The Excellence in Mentoring closing gala was opened by Beatriz Miguel, Rector of the UPCT, accompanied by Javier Pérez, Director of the Royal Academy of Engineering, as well as Sara Gómez, Director of the Women & Engineering project.

Esther Corbalán, Director of HHRR for SAES, has taken part in the closing ceremony sharing her experience as a mentor. She explained young students and newly-qualified engineers that her professional experience can be summed up in two words: versatility and challenge. “Engineering profiles are quite versatile, meaning highly specialised in a very specific area of knowledge at the same time that are able to perform other tasks with the help of training and constant updating.”

Sara García shared her experience as a mentor and highlighted the importance of teaching through every-day examples and the professional experience of technical experts. “Society is slowly progressing when underlying the work of outstanding women in History, and we need more ordinary women in technical STEM studies, not just a female Nobel prize winner or PM… so that we can eliminate the exceptional nature connotation.”
Cristina Abad, SAES General Manager, explained that “it has been a privilege to take part in this programme, we are very proud of helping draw attention to women’s presence in technological sectors in managing positions, where we clearly miss more female leaders”.
You can see the closing ceremony at this link.