SAES will offer a conference about the increasing importance of the Anti-Submarine Warfare due to the new political scenarios, and solutions to successfully confront the new challenges.
SAES will participate, in collaboration with Navantia, at the IMDEX Asia Maritime defence exhibition and conference (stand R-21), which will be held from 16 to 19 May at Singapore. The Line manager of Anti-submarine Warfare in SAES, Mr. Gutierrez, will offer a conference entitle “Anti-submarine Warfare Solutions in Littoral Waters” the Wednesday, 17 may, 3:00 to 3:30 pm. At the exhibition, SAES will promote also the Naval Mines MINEA and the Multi-influence Range Station MIRS.
“Anti-submarine Warfare Solutions in Littoral Waters” Conference
Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) missions are intended to protect naval forces, merchant shipping and commercial shipping against submarine threats.
To this end, in an ASW mission, different ASW platforms (combat ships, helicopters and aircrafts) are deployed. The success of the mission will depend of different factors as technology, level of coordination of the deployed resources, operators training and effectiveness of ASW platforms.
In recent years, due to the new political scenarios, ASW missions have become particularly relevant with the emergence of new naval and aerial platforms which have diversified the traditional Concept of Operation (CONOP) of ASW missions.
The objective of this presentation is analyzing these aerial platforms: turbofan platform, turboprop platform and helicopters. This analysis is not intended to make a qualitative comparative, since the platforms have been conceived and designed for a different concept of operation. When selecting the suitability of one platform, it is critical to know what type of ASW mission is intended, and depending on this, to decide on the ideal platform.
SAES has a deep knowledge in this issue due to they are recognized developers of ASW systems as SPAS and ROASW based on sonobuoy processing.
Protection against mines.
The Line manager of Naval Mines and Multi-influence Range Stations will be at the exhibition in order to promote the MINEA smart naval mine, and MIRS, two of the SAES products that create more interest.
MINEA is a set of Multi-influence Naval Mines, which use a variety of sensors to detect different physical influences.
The family of MINEA products comprises three types of naval mines: cylindrical bottom mines, conical shaped shallow-water mines and moored mines. Both are available in combat and exercise version.
One of the main advantages of MINEA is that its shape, dimensions and operation are similar to combat mines, recording all the signatures and events for debriefing and analysis.
MIRS is a portable system to obtain the complete signature of a ship. The system provides real influence measures (magnetic, electric, pressure, acoustic and seismic) in a real and controlled scenario, to successfully counteract threats.
Compared to fixed stations, it provides a decisive advantage, to obtain all the signatures of the target ship in any geographical location.
MIRS can be used in different operational scenarios: as a multi-influence range station, either portable or fixed, providing maritime area protection, as a discrete device to gather underwater signature intelligence, as a R&D tool to develop and validate studies for signature reduction, and as a tool to verify real-time ship signature levels (Acoustic, Magnetic and Electrical) when vessels are leaving the base.